Senior Portraits

Senior Portraits at Viz
You have finally made it to your SENIOR year! This will be such a memorable time of your life, and you will have a year full of decision making-- one of those decisions will be who to photograph your senior pictures.
Our Visualizations Staff has worked hard to provide you and your parents with some guidance to answer that question with this section of our website. We have showcased the basics of what we do here at Visualizations Photography-- it's up to you to make it your own unique senior experience!
Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages (Give us a like while you're at it!) to view some of the work we do for seniors.
Good luck with your senior year-- we hope to hear from you soon!
Please NOTE: We take very limited senior sessions during the months of August and September due to our work with the local schools.
Thank you for contacting us!
Thank you for reaching out to us about senior portraits! Someone should be contacting you shortly!